Up Received parts on April 8, 2008 Prev Next

The opened but assembled gearbox. Although I want to polish the gears (to remove burrs) it already runs much better than the original gears. The complete Shay kit cost me about €60 ($100). The motor, bulhead and gearset cost me another €30 ($50). Is it worth it? I think so yes. I went through the painstaking process of deburring when I built the red Shay. All in all it cost me 40 hours to make the mechanism run smoothly. Time reduction may amount as much as 30 hours!! That's €1 per hour!! | S1050416b.JPG
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S1050416b.JPG - The opened but assembled gearbox. Although I want to polish the gears (to remove burrs) it already runs much better than the original gears. The complete Shay kit cost me about €60 ($100). 
The motor, bulhead and gearset cost me another €30 ($50). Is it worth it? I think so yes. I went through the painstaking process of deburring when I built the red Shay. All in all it cost me 40 hours to make the mechanism runs smoothly. Time reduction may amount as much as 30 hours!! That's €1 per hour!!

Total images: 5 | Last update: 9-4-08 20:41 | Help